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We find that the best moments in life — the most memorable — are when we spend time in the company of those who are most important to us. Our beer and spirits are made for these moments.

It all started for us in 1997 when Brett VanderKamp believed that his hometown and the brewing industry were due for a shakeup. And so, New Holland Brewing Company was born in Holland, Michigan near the shores of Lake Michigan.

Today, New Holland is recognized as one of the leading innovators in the revolution of craft brewing and distilling. With nearly 400 team members, New Holland’s craft beer and spirits are sold across the country, and around the globe. Our retail presence continues to grow with three full-service restaurants, three spirits tasting rooms, three brick-and-mortar stores, and an online store.

We look forward to finding moments to connect and enhance the lives of people around the world.

Our Founder

Brett VanderKamp

CEO and Founder

Brett’s entrepreneurial spirit and artistic sensibilities are at the very heart of New Holland. As the original visionary, Brett imagined the path that New Holland pursued to become what they are today. He serves as CEO, overseeing the corporate and leadership teams, and continuing to forge their path into the future. 

Brett has become a leader not only in his industry but in the community as well, formerly serving on various boards including the Holland Chamber of Commerce and its Public Policy Committee. Brett currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors for Samaritas, sitting on their Strategic Task Force Committee.